Abstract. The present paper surveys recent developments in algorithmic teaching. First, the traditional teaching dimension model is recalled. Starting from the observation that the...
We examine decision problems for various classes of convex languages, previously studied by Ang and Brzozowski under the name “continuous languages”. We can decide whether a la...
In this paper we investigate the computational complexity of knot theoretic problems and show upper and lower bounds for planarity problem of signed and unsigned knot diagrams repr...
Abstract. Glushkov’s algorithm builds an ε-free nondeterministic automaton from a given regular expression. In the worst case, its number of states is linear and its number of t...
Abstract. Gene trees are leaf-labeled trees inferred from molecular sequences. Due to duplication events arising in genome evolution, gene trees usually have multiple copies of som...
We show that fixed membership testing for many interesting subclasses of multi-pushdown machines is no harder than for pushdowns with single stack. The models we consider are MVPA...
Deciding whether a finite set of polyominoes tiles the plane is undecidable by reduction from the Domino problem. In this paper, we prove that the problem remains undecidable if t...
d abstract) Benjamin Carle, Paliath Narendran and Colin Scheriff Dept. of Computer Science University at Albany–SUNY Albany, NY 12222 June 19, 2007 In this paper we extend the ...
We introduce the class of Rigid Tree Automata (RTA), an extension of standard bottom-up automata on ranked trees with distinguished states called rigid. Rigid states define a rest...