As sensor networks become denser and more widely deployed, the potential develops for interconnecting these networks to combine datasets, share technological solutions, and to con...
Todd Hansen, Sameer Tilak, Steve Foley, Kent Lindq...
We analyze the performance of CPU-bound network servers and demonstrate experimentally that the degradation in the performance of these servers under highconcurrency workloads is ...
In this paper, we present a low cost and flexible testbed to evaluate the performance of available bandwidth estimation tools in a common and controlled environment. In addition,...
A collision resolution scheme is essential to the performance of a random-access wireless network. Most schemes employ exponential backoff (EB) to adjust the transmission attempt ...
— Recent advance in IEEE 802.11 based standard has pushed the wireless bandwidth up to 600Mbps while keeping the same wireless medium access control (MAC) schemes for full backwa...
Abstract— Following widespread availability of wireless Internet, a wide range of applications with differing QoS requirements must share the wireless access. The objective of th...
Today’s intra-domain protocols are limited in their scalability. We examine these limitations and propose an alternative in the form of an IGP based on path vectors. Taking adva...
Literature on the use of machine learning (ML) algorithms for classifying IP traffic has relied on fullflows or the first few packets of flows. In contrast, many real-world scenar...