The paper deals with the following problem: is returning to wrong conjectures necessary to achieve full power of algorithmic learning? Returning to wrong conjectures complements t...
Lorenzo Carlucci, Sanjay Jain, Efim B. Kinber, Fra...
Open and distance Learning (ODL) gives learners freedom of time, place and pace of study, putting learner self-direction centre-stage. However, increased responsibility should not...
All books entitled “Learn … with 1000 exercises” have in common the same basic principle. They aim to supply enough material to students so that they may better understand t...
Enrique Lazcorreta, Federico Botella, Antonio Fern...
Mobile Augmented Reality System (MARS) based elearning environments equip a learner with a mobile wearable see-through display that interacts with training/learning software. MARS...
Digital libraries have untapped potential for supporting language teaching and learning. This paper describes a new scheme for automating topicspecific language learning using a sp...
To cope with concept drift, we paired a stable online learner with a reactive one. A stable learner predicts based on all of its experience, whereas a reactive learner predicts ba...
This paper explores the role that feedback based on past actions and motivational states of the learner can have in a motivationally and metacognitively aware Intelligent Tutoring ...