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We provide new correctness criteria for all fragments (multiplicative, exponential, additive) of linear logic. We use these criteria for proving that deciding the correctness of a...
In the past years, linear logic has been successfully used as a general logical framework for encoding proof systems. Due to linear logic’s finer control on structural rules, i...
We study the type checking and type inference problems for intuitionistic linear logic: given a System F typed λ-term, (i) for an alleged linear logic type, determine whether the...
Abstract—Polarized logic is the logic of values and continuations, and their interaction through continuation-passing style. The main limitations of this logic are the limitation...
Meta-logics and type systems based on intuitionistic logic are commonly used for specifying natural deduction proof systems. We shall show here that linear logic can be used as a m... Pratt, V.R., "Transition and Cancellation in Concurrency and Branching Time", Math. Structures in Comp. Sci., 13:4, 485-529, August 2003. ...
We apply the 2-sequents approach to the analysis of several calculi derived from linear logic. We present a uniform formal system for Linear Logic, Elementary Linear Logic and Lig...
We introduce a sequent calculus B for a new logic, named basic logic. The aim of basic logic is to find a structure in the space of logics. Classical, intuitionistic, quantum and ...
Giovanni Sambin, Giulia Battilotti, Claudia Faggia...
Inthis paper, we aim at giving alogical account of the representationalist view on minimalist grammars by refering to the notion of Proof-Net in Linear Logic. We propose at the sam...