Abstract. The main goal of this paper is to apply rewriting termination technology —enjoying a quite mature set of termination results and tools— to the problem of proving auto...
We describe a sound, terminating, and complete matching algorithm for terms built over flexible arity function symbols and context, function, sequence, and individual variables. C...
Abstract. Earlier we introduced Constraint Lambda Calculi which integrate constraint solving with functional programming for the simple case where the constraint solver produces no...
We present an algorithm for the conversion of very weak alternating Büchi automata into nondeterministic Büchi automata (NBA), and we introduce a local optimization criterion fo...
In this paper the Recursive Path Ordering is adapted for proving termination of rewriting incrementally. The new ordering, called Recursive Path Ordering with Modules, has as ingre...
Abstract. We discuss a collection of mechanized formal proofs of symmetric key block encryption algorithms (AES, MARS, Twofish, RC6, Serpent, IDEA, and TEA), performed in an imple...
Jianjun Duan, Joe Hurd, Guodong Li, Scott Owens, K...
We investigate some syntactic properties of Wadler’s dual calculus, a term calculus which corresponds to classical sequent logic in the same way that Parigot’s λµ calculus co...
Daniel J. Dougherty, Silvia Ghilezan, Pierre Lesca...
Abstract. We distill Penrose’s argument against the “artificial intelligence premiss”, and analyze its logical alternatives. We then clarify the different positions one can...
Abstract. We present new careful semantics within Dung’s theory of argumentation. Under such careful semantics, two arguments cannot belong to the same extension whenever one of ...
Sylvie Coste-Marquis, Caroline Devred, Pierre Marq...