Abstract—Awerbuch and Scheideler have shown that peerto-peer overlays networks can survive Byzantine attacks only if malicious nodes are not able to predict what will be the topo...
Emmanuelle Anceaume, Francisco V. Brasileiro, Roma...
—The performance of randomized network coding can suffer significantly when malicious nodes corrupt the content of the exchanged blocks. Previous work have introduced error corr...
—In this paper, we present DHTBL, an anti-spam blacklist built upon a novel secure distributed hash table (DHT). We show how DHTBL can be used to replace existing DNS-based black...
Adam Bender, Rob Sherwood, Derek Monner, Nathan Go...
The Peer Sampling Service (PSS) has been proposed as a method to initiate and maintain the set of connections between nodes in unstructured peer to peer (P2P) networks. The PSS us...
Gian Paolo Jesi, Edoardo Mollona, Srijith K. Nair,...
Mobile ad hoc networks show great potential in emergency response and/or recovery. Such mission-critical applications demand security service be "anywhere", "anytim...
Structured peer-to-peer overlay networks provide a substrate for the construction of large-scale, decentralized applications, including distributed storage, group communication, a...
Miguel Castro, Peter Druschel, Ayalvadi J. Ganesh,...
Reputation systems have been popular in estimating the trustworthiness and predicting the future behavior of nodes in a large-scale distributed system where nodes may transact wit...