Current numerical model checkers for stochastic systems can efficiently analyse stochastic models. However, the fact that they are unable to provide debugging information constrain...
In this paper we formulate the problem of grouping the states of a discrete Markov chain of arbitrary order simultaneously with deconvolving its transition probabilities. As the na...
We propose a method for discovering the dependency relationships between the topics of documents shared in social networks using the latent social interactions, attempting to answ...
t] Based on the mutation matrix formalism and past statistics of genetic algorithm, a Markov Chain transition probability matrix is introduced to provide a guided search for comple...
act We show how to modelize concurrency between several processors in terms of automata and Markov chains; then, we define a concurrency measure which reflects more faithfully the ...
For a large class of examples arising in statistical physics known as attractive spin systems (e.g., the Ising model), one seeks to sample from a probability distribution π on an...
My research investigates into using Markov chains to make link prediction and the transition matrix derived from Markov chains to acquire structural knowledge about Web sites. The ...
Abstract. We analyze the convergence properties of our force based genetic algorithm(fga) as a decentralized topology control mechanism distributed among software agents. fga guide...
Cem Safak Sahin, Stephen Gundry, Elkin Urrea, M. &...
The mixing properties of several Markov chains to sample from configurations of a hard-core model have been examined. The model is familiar in the statistical physics of the liqui...
Markov chains have been used to model web usages and served as the basis for statistical testing, performance evaluation, and reliability analysis. However, most of such applicati...