Abstract. Markov random fields are often used to model high dimensional distributions in a number of applied areas. A number of recent papers have studied the problem of reconstruc...
Advanced surveillance systems for behavior recognition in outdoor traffic scenes depend strongly on the particular configuration of the scenario. Scene-independent trajectory analy...
In modelling nonstationary sources, one possible strategy is to define a latent process of strictly positive variables to model variations in second order statistics of the underly...
In this paper, we present an alternate approach to estimate the parameters of a Markov random field (MRF) model for images using the concepts of homotopy continuation method. We a...
Segmentation of video foreground objects from background has many important applications, such as human computer interaction, video compression, multimedia content editing and man...
Abstract. In this paper we give a new model for foreground-background-shadow separation. Our method extracts the faithful silhouettes of foreground objects even if they have partly...
: We presented and evaluated a new Bayesian method for range image segmentation. The method proceeds in to stages. First, an initial segmentation was produced by a randomized regio...
A major problem in metropolitan areas is searching for parking spaces. In this paper, we propose a novel method for parking space detection. Given input video captured by a camera...
This paper proposes a fast blotch detection algorithm based on a Markov Random Field (MRF) model with less computational load and with lower false alarm rate than the existing MRF...
We propose an algorithm for the binarization of document images degraded by uneven light distribution, based on the Markov Random Field modeling with Maximum A Posteriori probabil...