
95views more  SIAMCO 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Eigenvalue Conditions for Convergence of Singularly Perturbed Matrix Exponential Functions
We investigate convergence of sequences of n
Daniel Cobb
160views more  SIAMSC 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Shift-Invert Arnoldi Approximation to the Toeplitz Matrix Exponential
The shift-invert Arnoldi method is employed to generate an orthonormal basis from the Krylov subspace corresponding to a real Toeplitz matrix and an initial vector. The vectors and...
Spike T. Lee, Hong-Kui Pang, Hai-Wei Sun
88views more  FOCM 2008»
14 years 1 months ago
Convergence of the Magnus Series
The Magnus series is an infinite series which arises in the study of linear ordinary differential equations. If the series converges, then the matrix exponential of the sum equals...
Per Christian Moan, Jitse Niesen
80views more  QUESTA 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Sojourn time distributions in the queue defined by a general QBD process
We consider a general QBD process as defining a FIFO queue and obtain the stationary distribution of the sojourn time of a customer in that queue as a matrix exponential distribut...
Toshihisa Ozawa
69views more  ANOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Moment characterization of matrix exponential and Markovian arrival processes
This paper provides a general framework for establishing the relation between various moments of matrix exponential and Markovian processes. Based on this framework we present an a...
Levente Bodrog, András Horváth, Mikl...
14 years 4 months ago
On the Properties of Moments of Matrix Exponential Distributions and Matrix Exponential Processes
In this paper we provide properties of moments of matrix exponential distributions and joint moments of matrix exponential processes. Based on the provided properties, an algorith...
Levente Bodrog, András Horváth, Mikl...
112views Control Systems» more  CDC 2009»
14 years 6 months ago
A Floquet-like factorization for linear periodic systems
In this note, the novel representation is proposed for a linear periodic continuous-time system with T-periodic real-valued coefficients. We prove that a T-periodic real-valued fac...
Ichiro Jikuya, Ichijo Hodaka
117views Control Systems» more  CDC 2009»
14 years 7 months ago
A limiting property of the matrix exponential with application to multi-loop control
— A limiting property of the matrix exponential is proven: For a real square matrix, where the log norm of the upper-left n by n block approaches negative infinity in a limiting...
Sebastian Trimpe, Raffaello D'Andrea