
130views more  JGT 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Vertex partitions and maximum degenerate subgraphs
: Let G be a graph with maximum degree d ≥ 3 and ω(G) ≤ d, where ω(G) is the clique number of the graph G. Let p1 and p2 be two positive integers such that d = p1 + p2. In th...
Martín Matamala
93views more  JCT 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
The circular chromatic index of graphs of high girth
We show that for each ε > 0 and each integer ∆ ≥ 1, there exists a number g such that for any graph G of maximum degree ∆ and girth at least g, the circular chromatic in...
Tomás Kaiser, Daniel Král, Riste Skr...
68views more  ENDM 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
List Colouring Squares of Planar Graphs
In 1977, Wegner conjectured that the chromatic number of the square of every planar graph G with maximum degree ∆ ≥ 8 is at most 3
Frédéric Havet, Jan van den Heuvel, ...
88views more  JGT 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
On k-detour subgraphs of hypercubes
A spanning subgraph G of a graph H is a k-detour subgraph of H if for each pair of vertices x, y V (H), the distance, distG(x, y), between x and y in G exceeds that in H by at mo...
Nana Arizumi, Peter Hamburger, Alexandr V. Kostoch...
92views more  JCT 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
3-Uniform hypergraphs of bounded degree have linear Ramsey numbers
Oliver Cooley, Nikolaos Fountoulakis, Daniela K&uu...
117views more  COMBINATORICA 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Embedding nearly-spanning bounded degree trees
We derive a sufficient condition for a sparse graph G on n vertices to contain a copy of a tree T of maximum degree at most d on (1 − )n vertices, in terms of the expansion prop...
Noga Alon, Michael Krivelevich, Benny Sudakov
122views more  DM 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Labeling trees with a condition at distance two
An L(h, k)-labeling of a graph G is an integer labeling of vertices of G, such that adjacent vertices have labels which differ by at least h, and vertices at distance two have lab...
Tiziana Calamoneri, Andrzej Pelc, Rossella Petresc...
153views Education» more  CORR 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
A distributed approximation algorithm for the minimum degree minimum weight spanning trees
Fischer proposes in [4] a sequential algorithm to compute a minimum weight spanning tree of maximum degree at most b + logb n in time O n4+1/ln b for any constant b > 1, where ...
Christian Lavault, Mario Valencia-Pabon
114views more  COMBINATORICS 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Total 4-Choosability of Series-Parallel Graphs
It is proved that, if G is a K4-minor-free graph with maximum degree 3, then G is totally 4-choosable; that is, if every element (vertex or edge) of G is assigned a list of 4 colo...
Douglas R. Woodall
121views more  COMBINATORICS 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Edge and Total Choosability of Near-Outerplanar Graphs
It is proved that, if G is a K4-minor-free graph with maximum degree 4, then G is totally ( + 1)-choosable; that is, if every element (vertex or edge) of G is assigned a list of ...
Timothy J. Hetherington, Douglas R. Woodall