
85views more  DM 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
All graphs with maximum degree three whose complements have 4-cycle decompositions
Let G be the set that contains precisely the graphs on n vertices with maximum degree 3 for which there exists a 4-cycle system of their complement in Kn. In this paper G is compl...
Chin-Mei Fu, Hung-Lin Fu, Christopher A. Rodger, T...
177views more  DM 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
The independence number in graphs of maximum degree three
We prove that a K4-free graph G of order n, size m and maximum degree at most three has an independent set of cardinality at least 1 7 (4n - m - - tr) where counts the number of c...
Jochen Harant, Michael A. Henning, Dieter Rautenba...
89views more  DM 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Large induced subgraphs with equated maximum degree
For a graph G, denote by fk(G) the smallest number of vertices that must be deleted from G so that the remaining induced subgraph has its maximum degree shared by at least k verti...
Yair Caro, Raphael Yuster
90views more  DM 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
The firefighter problem for cubic graphs
We show that the firefighter problem is NP-complete for cubic graphs. We also show that given a rooted tree of maximum degree three in which every leaf is the same distance from t...
Andrew King, Gary MacGillivray
143views more  DM 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Acyclic improper colourings of graphs with bounded maximum degree
For graphs of bounded maximum degree, we consider acyclic t-improper colourings, that is, colourings in which each bipartite subgraph consisting of the edges between two colour cl...
Louigi Addario-Berry, Louis Esperet, Ross J. Kang,...
142views more  ALGORITHMICA 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
New Linear-Time Algorithms for Edge-Coloring Planar Graphs
We show efficient algorithms for edge-coloring planar graphs. Our main result is a linear-time algorithm for coloring planar graphs with maximum degree with max{, 9} colors. Thus...
Richard Cole, Lukasz Kowalik
133views Algorithms» more  ESA 2010»
14 years 4 months ago
Balancing Degree, Diameter and Weight in Euclidean Spanners
Abstract. In a seminal STOC'95 paper, Arya et al. [4] devised a construction that for any set S of n points in Rd and any > 0, provides a (1 + )-spanner with diameter O(lo...
Shay Solomon, Michael Elkin
14 years 4 months ago
Lower bounds for (weak) sense of direction
A graph with n vertices and maximum degree cannot be given weak sense of direction using less than colours. It is known that n colours are always sufficient, but it has been conje...
Paolo Boldi, Sebastiano Vigna
14 years 4 months ago
Realization of Degree 10 Minimum Spanning Trees in 3-Space
We show that any tree whose maximum degree is at most 10 can be drawn in 3-space such that it is the minimum spanning tree of its vertices.
James A. King
70views Algorithms» more  SODA 2008»
14 years 4 months ago
Optimal universal graphs with deterministic embedding
Let H be a finite family of graphs. A graph G is H-universal if it contains a copy of each H H as a subgraph. Let H(k, n) denote the family of graphs on n vertices with maximum d...
Noga Alon, Michael R. Capalbo