
140views Mathematics» more  METMBS 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
New Techniques for Generation and Analysis of Evolutionary Trees
We introduce new distance measures for the construction and analysis of phylogenies, focusing on thioredoxin-fold proteins. Our distance measures for tree construction are based o...
Chang Wang, Stephen D. Scott, Qingping Tao, Dmitri...
151views Mathematics» more  METMBS 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Machine Learning Techniques for the Evaluation of External Skeletal Fixation Structures
In this thesis we compare several machine learning techniques for evaluating external skeletal fixation proposals. We experimented in the context of dog bone fractures but the pot...
Ning Suo, Khaled Rasheed, Walter D. Potter, Dennis...
174views Mathematics» more  METMBS 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Med-LIFE: A Diagnostic Aid for Medical Imagery
We present a system known as Med-LIFE (Medical application of Learning, Image Fusion, and Exploration) currently under development for medical image analysis. This pipelined syste...
Joshua R. New, Erion Hasanbelliu, Mario Aguilar
196views Mathematics» more  METMBS 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
An Open Problem in RNA Secondary Structure Prediction by the Comparative Approach
Abstract One approach to predict the secondary structure of RNA is the comparative approach. This approach is used when alignment of several homologous sequences of a RNA is availa...
Stefan Engelen, Fariza Tahi
162views Mathematics» more  METMBS 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
A Comparison of DNA Fragment Assembly Algorithms
As more research centers embark on sequencing new genomes, the problem of DNA fragment assembly for shotgun sequencing is growing in importance and complexity. Accurate and fast a...
Lishan Li, Sami Khuri