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Branch prediction is the predominant approach for minimizing the pipeline breaks caused by branch instructions. Traditionally, branch prediction is accomplished in one of two ways...
Modern microprocessors offer more instruction-level parallelism than most programs and compilers can currently exploit. The resulting disparity between a machine's peak and a...
As the issue widthof superscalar processors is increased, instructionfetch bandwidthrequirements will also increase. It will become necessary to fetch multiple basic blocks per cy...
For decades, the serialization constraints imposed by true data dependences have been regarded as an absolute limit--the dataflow limit--on the parallel execution of serial progra...
Much of the previous work on modulo scheduling has targeted numeric programs, in which, often, the majority of the loops are well-behaved loop-counter-based loops without early ex...
The Java bytecode language is emerging as a software distribution standard. With major vendors committed to porting the Java run-time environment to their platforms, programs in J...
Cheng-Hsueh A. Hsieh, John C. Gyllenhaal, Wen-mei ...
A machine description facility allows compiler writers to specify machine execution constraints to the optimization and scheduling phases of an instruction-level parallelism (ILP)...
John C. Gyllenhaal, Wen-mei W. Hwu, B. Ramakrishna...