Over the last 25 years there has been considerable body of research into combinations of predicate logic and probability forming what has become known as (perhaps misleadingly) sta...
In the mathematics domain of decimals, students have common and persistent misconceptions. These misconceptions have been identified, studied, and published by many researchers, sp...
: (Entemann 2002) defends fuzzy logic by pointing to what he calls `misconceptions' concerning fuzzy logic. However, some of these `misconceptions' are in fact truths, an...
Multilingual communities using machine translation to overcome language barriers are showing up with increasing frequency. However, when a large number of translation errors get m...
Misconceptions have been identified in many subjects. However, there has been less investigation into students' interest in their misconceptions. This paper presents two indep...
Susan Bull, Andrew Mabbott, Peter Gardner, Tim Jac...
This paper considers learner misconceptions information which is presented to the learner in an open learner model. We suggest that specific information about misconceptions may be...