
167views more  JMM2 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Computer Vision Methods for Improved Mobile Robot State Estimation in Challenging Terrains
External perception based on vision plays a critical role in developing improved and robust localization algorithms, as well as gaining important information about the vehicle and ...
Annalisa Milella, Giulio Reina, Roland Siegwart
161views more  IVC 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Applications of moving windows technique to autonomous vehicle navigation
A `Moving Window' scheme for detecting lanes, obstacles and corridor environments from the images captured by a CCD camera in an automobile or mobile robot is proposed. Proce...
Sung Yug Choi, Jang Myung Lee
103views more  JFR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Monte Carlo localization in outdoor terrains using multilevel surface maps
We propose a novel combination of techniques for robustly estimating the position of a mobile robot in outdoor environments using range data. Our approach applies a particle filte...
Rainer Kümmerle, Rudolph Triebel, Patrick Pfa...
174views more  AROBOTS 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Area measurement of large closed regions with a mobile robot
How can a mobile robot measure the area of a closed region that is beyond its immediate sensing range? This problem, which we name as blind area measurement, is inspired from scout...
Erol Sahin, Sertan Girgin, Emre Ugur
97views more  AROBOTS 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
How a mobile robot selects landmarks to make a decision based on an information criterion
Most current mobile robots are designed to determine their actions according to their positions. Before making a decision, they need to localize themselves. Thus, their observation...
Noriaki Mitsunaga, Minoru Asada
118views more  AR 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Epipole-based visual servoing for mobile robots
This paper proposes a visual servoing algorithm for mobile robot navigation based on the epipolar geometry retrieved by object profiles. The main motivation for this approach is th...
Graziano Chesi, Gian Luca Mariottini, Domenico Pra...
138views more  CVIU 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Probabilistic structure matching for visual SLAM with a multi-camera rig
We propose to use a multi-camera rig for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), providing flexibility in sensor placement on mobile robot platforms while exploiting the str...
Michael Kaess, Frank Dellaert
14 years 4 months ago
Combination of Classifiers for Indoor Room Recognition CGS participation at ImageCLEF2010 Robot Vision Task
This paper represents a description of our approach to the problem of topological localization of a mobile robot using visual information. Our method has been developed for ImageCL...
Walter Lucetti, Emanuel Luchetti
14 years 4 months ago
An effective personal mobile robot agent through symbiotic human-robot interaction
Several researchers, present authors included, envision personal mobile robot agents that can assist humans in their daily tasks. Despite many advances in robotics, such mobile ro...
Stephanie Rosenthal, Joydeep Biswas, Manuela M. Ve...
14 years 4 months ago
Edge Visibility Regions - A New Representation of the Environment of a Mobile Robot
This paper proposes a novel representation of the free space of mobile robot by distinct, non-overlapping regions called Edge Visibility Regions (EVRs). An algorithm to partition ...
Raj Talluri, J. K. Aggarwal