This paper discusses the challenge of achieving high bandwidth, distant range wireless communication from mobile robots by way of antenna tracking. In the case of robots traversin...
Deepak Bapna, Eric Rollins, Alex Foessel, William ...
Abstract. This paper concerns the exploration of a natural environment by a mobile robot equipped with both a video camera and a range sensor (stereo or laser range finder); we fo...
Carlos Parra, Rafael Murrieta-Cid, Michel Devy, Ma...
A sonar-ring is one of the most popular sensors for indoor mobile robots, because it is simple and gives omni-directional distance information directly. However, it is dicult to m...
The major themes of our research include the creation of mobile robot systems that are robust and adaptive in rapidly changing environments and the view of integration as a basic ...
Alan C. Schultz, William Adams, Brian Yamauchi, Mi...
Ships often use the coasts of continents for navigation in the absence of better tools such as GPS, since being close to land allows sailors to determine with high accuracy where ...
Nicholas Roy, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, Sebasti...
A new design method for non-time based tracking controller of mobile robots is presented. The new design method converts a controller designed by traditional time-based approaches ...
This paper presents an algorithm for simultaneous localization and map building for a mobile robot moving in an unknown environment. The robot can measure only the bearings to ide...
Visual-servoing tasks for mobile robots characteristically require the processing of vast amounts of navigational information which can impede the performance of even the most wel...
Data association is the process of relating features observed in the environment to features viewed previously or to features in a map. Correct feature association is essential fo...
Tim Bailey, Eduardo Mario Nebot, Julio Rosenblatt,...
The field of mobile robotics offers a new medium for public entertainment and art. Mobile robots can move, react, and interact in the real world, generating behaviors that can be u...