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Abstract. We introduce a novel situation-aware approach to personalize search results for mobile users. By providing a mobile user with appropriate information that dynamically sat...
Abstract—With increasing popularity of media enabled handhelds, the need for high data-rate services for mobile users is evident. Large-scale Wireless LANs (WLANs) can provide su...
Abstract— Robotic routers (mobile robots with wireless communication capabilities) can create an adaptive wireless network and provide communication services for mobile users ond...
Onur Tekdas, Patrick A. Plonski, Nikhil Karnad, Vo...
This paper proposes a network-assisted mobile Virtual Private Network (mVPN) security scheme that provides secure remote access to corporate resources over the Universal Mobile Te...
ZUser mobility poses a significant technical challenge to network resource management in wireless ATM Asynchronous . Z .Transfer Mode networks. In order to guarantee quality of se...
Much of the ongoing research in ubiquitous computing has concentrated on providing context information, e.g. location information, to the level of services and applications. Typic...
Whenever handoff for a mobile user occurs in wireless ATM network, its connection must be reestablished in the new area. This paper proposes a new path rerouting scheme based on t...
Hee Yong Youn, Hee-Suk Kim, Hyunseung Choo, Sajal ...
We present a novel hybrid communication protocol that guarantees mobile users' k-anonymity against a wide-range of adversaries by exploiting the capability of handheld devices...
Mobile users need lightweight devices with low energy consumption. When applications are executed on remote servers instead of locally on the end-user's device, the weight of...
Pieter Simoens, Lien Deboosere, Davy De Winter, Fi...
Abstract. In this paper we present a demonstration of the Migrantes environment for supporting user interface migration through different devices, including mobile ones and digital...