Using the main ideas of Tanaka, the measure-solution {Pt}t of a 3-dimensional spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation of Maxwellian molecules without cutoff is related to a Poisso...
Abstract. We describe a successful search for a sequence of fifteen consecutive integers, each the product of exactly four prime factors. Fifteen is best possible.
The convergence of a class of combined spectral-finite difference methods using Hermite basis, applied to the Fokker-Planck equation, is studied. It is shown that the Hermite based...
In a series of papers, B. C. Carlson produced tables of elliptic integrals, evaluating them in terms of easily computed symmetrical functions, using a group of multivariate recurre...
Erdos conjectured that there are x1-o(1) Carmichael numbers up to x, whereas Shanks was skeptical as to whether one might even find an x up to which there are more than x Carmicha...
Abstract. This paper investigates the behavior of numerical schemes for nonlinear conservation laws with source terms. We concentrate on two significant examples: relaxation approx...
It is well-known, that the ring C[X1, . . . , Xn]An of polynomial invariants of the alternating group An has no finite SAGBI basis with respect to the lexicographical order for any...
Let Tp,k(x) be the characteristic polynomial of the Hecke operator Tp acting on the space of level 1 cusp forms Sk(1). We show that Tp,k(x) is irreducible and has full Galois group...