MPEG-4 is an important international standard with wide applicability. This paper focuses on MPEG-4’s main profile, video, whose approach allows more efficiency in coding and ...
In this article, we investigate efficient transmission of Object-based MPEG-4 video over IP networks with QoS management capabilities. MPEG-4 Audio Visual Objects (AVOs) are class...
Abstract. MPEG-4 supports dynamic scene composition through various interactions such as adding/removing/replacing objects and changing object’s properties. MPEG-4 content can ex...
In this paper, we present four scheduling algorithms that provide flexible utilization of fine-grain DSP accelerators with low run-time overhead. Methods that have originally been...
Jani Boutellier, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Olli Sil...
"MPEG-4 Structured Audio (MP4-SA) is an ISO/IEC standard (edited by Eric Scheirer) that specifies sound not as audio data, but as a computer program that generates audio when ...
John Lazzaro, John Wawrzynek, CS Division, UC Berk...