As single-processor systems are ceasing to scale effectively, multi-processor systems are becoming more and more popular. While there are many challenges of designing multi-process...
Wolfgang Haid, Lars Schor, Kai Huang, Iuliana Baci...
Modern day applications require use of multi-processor systems for reasons of performance, scalability and power efficiency. As more and more applications are integrated in a sing...
Akash Kumar, Bart Mesman, Bart D. Theelen, Henk Co...
Multi-processor systems are becoming more commonplace and affordable. Based on analyses of actual parsings, we argue that to exploit the capabilities of such machines, unification...
Modern day applications require use of multi-processor systems for reasons of scalability and power efficiency. As more and more applications are integrated on a single device, m...
Akash Kumar, Bart Mesman, Henk Corporaal, Jef L. v...