Computation of multiple sequence alignments is one of the major open problems in computational molecular biology. The purpose of this study was to provide a new method, PAC (Progre...
This paper proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment. The algorithm evolves guide sequences and aligns input sequences based on the guide sequences. It a...
The alignment of multiple protein (or DNA) sequences is a current problem in Bioinformatics. ClustalW is the most popular heuristic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment. Pairw...
Carlos R. Erig Lima, Heitor S. Lopes, Maiko R. Mor...
We present a new polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for tree alignment, which is an important variant of multiple sequence alignment. As in the existing PTASs in the liter...
Multiple sequence alignment is an important problem in computational biology. We study the Maximum Trace formulation introduced by Kececioglu [?]. We first phrase the problem in ...
Knut Reinert, Hans-Peter Lenhof, Petra Mutzel, Kur...
d abstract) John Kececioglu and Dean Starrett Department of Computer Science The University of Arizona Tucson AZ 85721, USA A basic computational problem that arises in both the...
Multiple sequence alignment is a fundamental problem in computational biology. Because of its notorious difficulties, aligning sequences within a constant band (c-diagonal) is a ...
This paper is concerned with the efficient execution of multiplesequence alignmentmethodsin a multipleclientenvironment. Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a computationally ex...
This article presents a model for DNA sequence alignment. In our model, a finite state automaton writes two-dimensional maps of nucleotide sequences. An evolutionary method for se...
In this paper we present an approach that evolves the consensus sequence [25] for multiple sequence alignment (MSA) with genetic algorithm (GA). We have developed an encoding schem...