Sentiment analysis seeks to characterize opinionated or evaluative aspects of natural language text. We suggest here that appraisal expression extraction should be viewed as a fun...
Relation extraction is the task of finding semantic relations between entities from text. The state-of-the-art methods for relation extraction are mostly based on statistical lea...
This paper addresses the task of providing extended responses to questions regarding specialized topics. This task is an amalgam of information retrieval, topical summarization, a...
Barry Schiffman, Kathleen McKeown, Ralph Grishman,...
A twin-model is proposed for coreference resolution: a link component, modeling the coreferential relationship between an anaphor and a candidate antecedent, and a creation compon...
Standard pairwise coreference resolution systems are subject to errors resulting from their performing anaphora identification as an implicit part of coreference resolution. In t...
PropBank has been widely used as training data for Semantic Role Labeling. However, because this training data is taken from the WSJ, the resulting machine learning models tend to...
This paper reports experiments in which pCRU — a generation framework that combines probabilistic generation methodology with a comprehensive model of the generation space — i...
An open issue in data-driven dependency parsing is how to handle non-projective dependencies, which seem to be required by linguistically adequate representations, but which pose ...
Traditional noun phrase coreference resolution systems represent features only of pairs of noun phrases. In this paper, we propose a machine learning method that enables features ...