We study two-player timed games where the objectives of the two players are not opposite. We focus on the standard notion of Nash equilibrium and propose a series of transformation...
Generalized Second Price Auction, also knows as Ad Word auctions, and its variants has been the main mechanism used by search companies to auction positions for sponsored search l...
Abstract. We study a general class of non-cooperative games coming from combinatorial covering and facility location problems. A game for k players is based on an integer programmi...
Designing and deploying a network protocol determines the rules by which end users interact with each other and with the network. We consider the problem of designing a protocol t...
Can learning algorithms find a Nash equilibrium? This is a natural question for several reasons. Learning algorithms resemble the behavior of players in many naturally arising gam...
Constantinos Daskalakis, Rafael Frongillo, Christo...
We introduce the novel concept of coprivacy or co-operative privacy to make privacy preservation attractive. A protocol is coprivate if the best option for a player to preserve her...
We consider four different game-theoretic approaches to describe the formation of social networks under mutual consent and costly communication. First, we consider Jackson-Wolins...
We develop first-order smoothing techniques for saddle-point problems that arise in the Nash equilibria computation of sequential games. The crux of our work is a construction of ...
Finding approximate Nash equilibria in n × n bimatrix games is currently one of the main open problems in algorithmic game theory. Motivated in part by the lack of progress on wo...
This paper presents a new lower bound of 2:414d= p d on the maximal number of Nash equilibria in d d bimatrix games, a central concept in game theory. The proof uses an equivalent ...