In nearest neighbor searching we are given a set of n data points in real d-dimensional space, d , and the problem is to preprocess these points into a data structure, so that give...
For a given point set in Euclidean space we consider the problem of finding (approximate) nearest neighbors of a query point but restricting only to points that lie within a fixed...
Stefan Funke, Theocharis Malamatos, Domagoj Matije...
Abstract. We consider approximate nearest neighbor searching in metric spaces of constant doubling dimension. More formally, we are given a set S of n points and an error bound &g...
Sunil Arya, David M. Mount, Antoine Vigneron, Jian...
With the goal of reducing computational costs without sacrificing accuracy, we describe two algorithms to find sets of prototypes for nearest neighbor classification. Here, the te...
Nearest neighbor classification assumes locally constant class conditional probabilities. This assumption becomes invalid in high dimensions with finite samples due to the curse o...
A novel solution is presented to the Nearest Neighbor Problem that is specifically tailored for determining correspondences within the Iterative Closest Point Algorithm. The refer...
Nearest neighbor classifier is a widely-used effective method for multi-class problems. However, it suffers from the problem of the curse of dimensionality in high dimensional spac...
Guo-Jun Zhang, Ji-Xiang Du, De-Shuang Huang, Tat-M...
Utilizing spatial index structures on secondary memory for nearest neighbor search in high-dimensional data spaces has been the subject of much research. With the potential to host...
Christoph Brochhaus, Marc Wichterich, Thomas Seidl
Nearest neighbor forecasting models are attractive with their simplicity and the ability to predict complex nonlinear behavior. They rely on the assumption that observations simila...
Classification based on k-nearest neighbors (kNN classification) is one of the most widely used classification methods. The number k of nearest neighbors used for achieving a high ...