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We demonstrate in this paper how certain forms of rule-based knowledge can be used to prestructure a neural network of normalized basis functions and give a probabilistic interpre...
This paper describes a technique for learning both the number of states and the topologyof Hidden Markov Models from examples. The inductionprocess starts with the most specific m...
Vector Quantization is useful for data compression. Competitive Learning which minimizes reconstruction error is an appropriate algorithm for vector quantization of unlabelled dat...
Neurons in area MT of primate visual cortex encode the velocity of moving objects. We present a model of how MT cells aggregate responses from V1 to form such a velocity represent...
How can artificial neural nets generalize better from fewer examples? In order to generalize successfully, neural network learning methods typically require large training data se...
We present a local learning rule in which Hebbian learning is conditional on an incorrect prediction of a reinforcement signal. We propose a biological interpretation of such a fr...
P. Read Montague, Peter Dayan, Steven J. Nowlan, T...
Several research groups are implementing analog integrated circuit models of biological auditory processing. The outputs of these circuit models have taken several forms, includin...
John Lazzaro, John Wawrzynek, Misha Mahowald, Mass...