
101views more  NLE 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
The automatic identification of lexical variation between language varieties
Yves Peirsman, Dirk Geeraerts, Dirk Speelman
104views more  NLE 2010»
14 years 27 days ago
Interlingual annotation of parallel text corpora: a new framework for annotation and evaluation
This paper focuses on an important step in the creation of a system of meaning representation and the development of semantically-annotated parallel corpora, for use in applicatio...
Bonnie J. Dorr, Rebecca J. Passonneau, David Farwe...
218views more  NLE 2010»
14 years 27 days ago
Automatic discovery of word semantic relations using paraphrase alignment and distributional lexical semantics analysis
Thesauri, that list the most salient semantic relations between words have mostly been compiled manually. Therefore, the inclusion of an entry depends on the subjective decision o...
Gaël Dias, Rumen Moraliyski, João Cord...
112views more  NLE 2010»
14 years 27 days ago
A non-negative tensor factorization model for selectional preference induction
Distributional similarity methods have proven to be a valuable tool for the induction of semantic similarity. Up till now, most algorithms use two-way cooccurrence data to compute...
Tim Van de Cruys
166views more  NLE 2010»
14 years 27 days ago
Wisdom of crowds versus wisdom of linguists - measuring the semantic relatedness of words
In this article, we present a comprehensive study aimed at computing semantic relatedness of word pairs. We analyze the performance of a large number of semantic relatedness measu...
Torsten Zesch, Iryna Gurevych
100views more  NLE 2010»
14 years 27 days ago
Formal and functional assessment of the pyramid method for summary content evaluation
Pyramid annotation makes it possible to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the content of machine-generated (or human) summaries. Evaluation methods must prove themselves a...
Rebecca J. Passonneau
127views more  NLE 2010»
14 years 27 days ago
Class-based approach to disambiguating Levin verbs
Lapata and Brew (2004) (hereafter LB04) obtain from untagged texts a statistical prior model that is able to generate class preferences for ambiguous Levin (1993) verbs (hereafter...
Jianguo Li, Chris Brew