
77views more  JCT 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
Hypercube orientations with only two in-degrees
We consider the problem of orienting the edges of the n-dimensional hypercube so only two different in-degrees a and b occur. We show that this can be done, for two specified in...
Joe Buhler, Steve Butler, Ronald L. Graham, Eric T...
49views Mathematics» more  DMTCS 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Waiting Time Distributions for Pattern Occurrence in a Constrained Sequence
A binary sequence of zeros and ones is called a (d, k)-sequence if it does not contain runs of zeros of length either less than d or greater than k, where d and k are arbitrary, b...
Valery T. Stefanov, Wojciech Szpankowski
14 years 4 months ago
Constrained Decompositions of Integer Matrices and their Applications to Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
We consider combinatorial optimization problems arising in radiation therapy. Given a matrix I with non-negative integer entries, we seek for a decomposition of I as a weighted su...
Céline Engelbeen, Samuel Fiorini
14 years 6 months ago
Functions Definable by Arithmetic Circuits
An arithmetic circuit is a labelled, directed, acyclic graph specifying a cascade of arithmetic and logical operations to be performed on sets of non-negative integers. In this pap...
Ian Pratt-Hartmann, Ivo Düntsch
86views Algorithms» more  SYNASC 2005»
14 years 8 months ago
One and Two Polarizations, Membrane Creation and Objects Complexity in P Systems
We improve, by using register machines, some existing universality results for specific models of P systems. P systems with membrane creation are known to generate all recursivel...
Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Agustin Riscos-N&ua...
15 years 4 months ago
Indexing and segmenting colour images using neighbourhood sequences
In this paper we present some methods for indexing and segmenting colour images. The proposed procedures are based on well-known algorithms, but now we use digital distance functi...
András Hajdu, Benedek Nagy, Zoltán Z...