Abstract- In order to prevent detection and evade signature-based scanning methods, which are normally exploited by antivirus softwares, metamorphic viruses use several various obf...
As the obfuscation is widely used by malware writers to evade antivirus scanners, so it becomes important to analyze how this technique is applied to malwares. This paper explores ...
By obfuscation we mean any efficient semantic-preserving transformation of computer programs aimed at bringing a program into such a form, which impedes the understanding of its al...
Protection of digital data from unauthorized access is of paramount importance. In the past several years, much research has concentrated on protecting data from the standpoint of...
Abstract. Code obfuscations are semantics-preserving code transformations used to protect a program from reverse engineering. There is generally no expectation of complete, long-te...
+ With more applications being deployed on embedded platforms, software protection becomes increasingly important. This problem is crucial on embedded systems like financial transa...
Xiaotong Zhuang, Tao Zhang, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, San...
In DRM domain, the adversary has complete control of the computing node - supervisory privileges along with full physical as well as architectural object observational capabilities...
Abstract. We present the first positive obfuscation result for a traditional cryptographic functionality. This positive result stands in contrast to well-known negative impossibil...
Susan Hohenberger, Guy N. Rothblum, Abhi Shelat, V...
An obfuscator is a compiler that transforms any program (which we will view in this work as a boolean circuit) into an obfuscated program (also a circuit) that has the same input-...
Abstract. An obfuscation O of a function F should satisfy two requirements: firstly, using O it should be possible to evaluate F; secondly, O should not reveal anything about F th...