
93views more  NAR 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Olfactory Receptor Database: a sensory chemoreceptor resource
The Olfactory Receptor Database (ORDB) is a WWWaccessible database that has been expanded from an olfactory receptor resource to a chemoreceptor resource. It stores data on six cl...
Emmanouil Skoufos, Luis N. Marenco, Prakash M. Nad...
112views more  BMCBI 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Integrated olfactory receptor and microarray gene expression databases
Background: Gene expression patterns of olfactory receptors (ORs) are an important component of the signal encoding mechanism in the olfactory system since they determine the inte...
Nian Liu, Chiquito J. Crasto, Minghong Ma