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Ontologies are an increasingly important tool in knowledge representation, as they allow large amounts of data to be related in a logical fashion. Current research is concentrated...
Matthew E. Taylor, Cynthia Matuszek, Bryan Klimt, ...
This paper describes Mo’K, a configurable workbench that supports the development of conceptual clustering methods for ontology building. Mo’K is intended to assist ontology de...
Abstract— An ontology is a formal language adequately representing the knowledge used for reasoning in a specific environment. When contradictions arise and make ontologies inad...
A methodology provides description of process and guidance for producing ontology that facilitates management of the enterprise engineering products. Method support in terms of det...
Sari Hakkarainen, Raimundas Matulevicius, Darijus ...
Ontologies are the core component in semantic Web applications. The employment of an ontology building method affects the quality of ontology and the applicability of ontology lang...
Sari Hakkarainen, Darijus Strasunskas, Lillian Hel...
We present two algorithms for supporting semi-automatic ontology building, integrated in WPro, a new architecture for ontology learning from Web documents. The first algorithm auto...
Daniele Bagni, Marco Cappella, Maria Teresa Pazien...