Abstract. Ontology evolution tools often propose new ontological changes in the form of statements. While different methods exist to check the quality of such statements to be add...
Fouad Zablith, Mathieu d'Aquin, Marta Sabou, Enric...
Abstract. Ontology reuse saves costs and improves interoperability between ontologies. Knowing which ontology to reuse is difficult without having a quality assessment. We employ u...
For knowledge representation based on ontology and its use, it is desirable to understand phenomena in the target world as precisely and deeply as possible. The ontology should ref...
A scenario in ontology development and its use is hypothesis testing, such as finding new subconcepts based on the data linked to the ontology. During such experimentation, knowle...
Ontology Summarization has been found useful to facilitate ontology engineering tasks in a number of different ways. Recently, it has been recognised as a means to facilitate ontol...
Ontology learning integrates many complementary techniques, including machine learning, natural language processing, and data mining. Specifically, clustering techniques facilitat...
Aligning ontologies is a crucial and tedious task. Matching algorithms and tools provide support to facilitate the task of the user in defining correspondences between ontologies ...
When developing semantic applications, the construction of ontologies is a crucial part. We are developing a semiautomatic ontology construction approach, OntoCase, relying on ont...
This paper presents a methodology to derive a Supply Chain Management Ontology based on the RosettaNet specification framework. A prototype to mechanically derive a core ontology ...
An ontology for representing operation, safety and control procedures is proposed in this paper that supports diagnosis based on following these procedures and combining observed m...