A region-based matching approach is proposed for image correspondence of two images of the same scene but taken from different viewpoints. This approach consists of a matching sta...
An algorithm is presented for 3-D reconstruction from optical flow observed by an uncalibrated camera. We show that by incorporating a statistical model of image noise, we can not...
This paper describes a novel approach for recovering the structure and motion of a rigid textured surface from an image sequence. Camera focal length is also recovered, yielding m...
This paper presents an algorithm for capturing the motion of deformable surfaces, in particular textured cloth. In a calibrated multi-camera setup, the optical flow between consec...
In this paper we present a new method to estimate optical flow for large displacements. It is based on prediction of global flow field parameters, performs better than multiresolu...
A wide variety of techniques for visual navigation using robot-mounted cameras have been described over the past several decades, yet adoption of optical flow navigation technique...
Jason Campbell, Rahul Sukthankar, Illah R. Nourbak...
Confidence measures are crucial to the interpretation of any optical flow measurement. Even though numerous methods for estimating optical flow have been proposed over the last thr...
Claudia Kondermann, Rudolf Mester, Christoph S. Ga...
Abstract. We propose to tackle the optical flow problem by a combination of two recent advances in the computation of dense correspondences, namely the incorporation of image segme...
Michael Bleyer, Christoph Rhemann, Margrit Gelautz
This paper describes a methodology for using the matrix-vector multiply and scan conversion hardware present in many graphics workstations to rapidly approximate the optical flow ...
Dan S. Wallach, Sharma Kunapalli, Michael F. Cohen
We extend the work of Black and Yacoob on the tracking and recognition of human facial expressions using parameterized models of optical flow to deal with the articulatedmotion of...