
57views more  ET 2007»
14 years 34 min ago
Oscillation Test Scheme of SC Biquad Filters Based on Internal Reconfiguration
In this paper, we explore general conditions for the oscillation based test of switched-capacitor biquad filter stages. Expressions describing the characteristics of a filter stage...
Uros Kac, Franc Novak
36views more  JCNS 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
The K-complex and slow oscillation in terms of a mean-field cortical model
We use a mean-field macrocolumn model of the cerebral cortex to offer an interpretation of the K-complex of the electroencephalogram to complement those of more detailed neuron-by-...
M. T. Wilson, D. A. Steyn-Ross, J. W. Sleigh, M. L...
84views more  IPL 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
Test suite oscillations
This paper proposes a set of new software test-diversity measures based on control oscillations of test suites. Oscillation Diversity uses conversion, inversion, and phase transfo...
Borislav Nikolik