

The K-complex and slow oscillation in terms of a mean-field cortical model

14 years 12 days ago
The K-complex and slow oscillation in terms of a mean-field cortical model
We use a mean-field macrocolumn model of the cerebral cortex to offer an interpretation of the K-complex of the electroencephalogram to complement those of more detailed neuron-by-neuron models. We interpret the K-complex as a momentary excursion of the cortex from a stable lowfiring state to an unstable high-firing state, and hypothesize that the related slow oscillation can be considered as the periodic oscillation between two meta-stable solutions of the mean-field model. By incorporating a Hebbian-style learning rule that links the growth in synapse strength to fluctuations in soma potential, we demonstrate a self-organization behaviour that draws the modelled cortex close to the edge of stability of the low-firing state. Furthermore, a very slow oscillation can occur in the excitability of the cortex that has similarities with the infra-slow oscillation of sleep. Keywords K-complex . Sleep . Cortex . Oscillation . Electroencephalogram
M. T. Wilson, D. A. Steyn-Ross, J. W. Sleigh, M. L
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JCNS
Authors M. T. Wilson, D. A. Steyn-Ross, J. W. Sleigh, M. L. Steyn-Ross, L. C. Wilcocks, I. P. Gillies
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