Abstract—Authenticity and secrecy of broadcast message content is important in wireless sensor networks deployed for battlefield control, emergency response, and natural resourc...
Syed Taha Ali, Vijay Sivaraman, Ashay Dhamdhere, D...
— Quality of Internet audio is highly sensitive to packet loss caused by congestion in the links. Packet loss for audio is normally rectified by adding redundancy using Forward ...
—It is well known that a packet loss in 802.11 can happen either due to collision or an insufficiently strong signal. However, discerning the exact cause of a packet loss, once ...
Shravan K. Rayanchu, Arunesh Mishra, Dheeraj Agraw...
—In this paper, we present a new technique that uses deterministic binary network coding in a distributed manner to enhance the resiliency of Sensor-to-Base information flow aga...
— In this paper we analyze the performance of two different routing protocols specifically designed for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for real-time estimation, control, and mo...
—Current 802.11 networks do not typically achieve the maximum potential throughput despite link adaptation and crosslayer optimization techniques designed to alleviate many cause...
Abstract—The use of local processing to reduce data transmission rates, and thereby power and bandwidth requirements, is common in wireless sensor networks. Achieving the minimum...
Application-level protocol abstraction is required to support seamless mobility in next generation heterogeneous wireless networks. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) proch an abst...
Any real-time interactive video coding algorithm used over the Internet needs to be able to cope with packet loss, since the existing error recovery mechanisms are not suitable fo...
This paperpresentsa novel framework for streamingvideo over a Differentiated Services (DifPjew) network that jointly considers video source coding. packet classification and error...
Fan Zhai, Yiftach Eisenberg, Carlos E. Luna, Thras...