—Unsupervised image segmentation is an important component in many image understanding algorithms and practical vision systems. However, evaluation of segmentation algorithms thu...
—A near-regular texture (NRT) is a geometric and photometric deformation from its regular origin—a congruent wallpaper pattern formed by 2D translations of a single tile. A dyn...
—Conventional verification systems, such as those controlling access to a secure room, do not usually require the user to reauthenticate himself for continued access to the prote...
—We address the problem of comparing sets of images for object recognition, where the sets may represent variations in an object’s appearance due to changing camera pose and li...
Abstract— Many vision problems can be formulated as minimization of appropriate energy functionals. These energy functionals are usually minimized, based on the calculus of varia...
—This paper focus on noncooperative iris recognition, i.e., the capture of iris images at large distances, under less controlled lighting conditions, and without active participa...
—A novel patch-based correspondence model is presented in this paper. Many segment-based correspondence approaches have been proposed in recent years. Untextured pixels and bound...
—We develop a new graph-theoretic approach for pairwise data clustering which is motivated by the analogies between the intuitive concept of a cluster and that of a dominant set ...
—Wide field of view (FOV) and high-resolution image acquisition is highly desirable in many vision-based applications. Several systems have reported the use of reflections off mi...