The annual ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest produces a competitive paradigm that is at odds with the pedagogical goals of modern computer science and software engi...
In this paper we propose an ontology matching paradigm based on the idea of harvesting the Semantic Web, i.e., automatically finding and exploring multiple and heterogeneous online...
for an informal presentation at CIE 2007 [2] is a typed -calculus that pursues the reuse of the term constructions both at the level of types and at the level of contexts, while en...
Our goal is to develop a robust out-of-core sorting program for a distributed-memory cluster. The literature contains two dominant paradigms for out-of-core sorting algorithms: me...
Two convincing paradigms have emerged for achieving scalability in widely distributed systems: publish/subscribe communication and role-based, policy-driven control of access to t...
Jean Bacon, David M. Eyers, Jatinder Singh, Peter ...
Abstract. Current Web applications embed sophisticated user interfaces and business logic. The original interaction paradigm of the Web with static content pages that are browsed b...
Marco Brambilla, Jordi Cabot, Michael Grossniklaus
Abstract. The agent/multi-agent system paradigm is an important field of Artificial Intelligence. The use of this paradigm in real-world problems is one of the main lines of intere...
Abstract. We propose an extension of concurrent constraint programming with primitives for process migration within a hierarchical network, and we study its semantics. To this purp...
There is a broad use of the term "paradigm" in Software Engineering. Concepts such as structured paradigm, cascade paradigm or agent-oriented paradigm are very frequent i...