Parallel I/O in cluster computing is one of the most important issues to be tackled as clusters grow larger and larger. Many solutions have been proposed for the problem and, whil...
R. Kassick, Caciano Machado, Everton Hermann, Rafa...
The aIOLi project aims at optimizing the I/O accesses within the cluster by providing a simple POSIX API, thus avoiding the constraints to use a dedicated parallel I/O library. Th...
This paper presents the optimization and evaluation of parallel I/O for the BIPS3D parallel irregular application, a 3-dimensional simulation of BJT and HBT bipolar devices. The p...
Rosa Filgueira, David E. Singh, Florin Isaila, Jes...
This paper presents an extensive characterization, tuning, and optimization of parallel I/O on the Cray XT supercomputer, named Jaguar, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We have c...
Virtualization using Xen-based virtual machine environment has yet to permeate the field of high performance computing (HPC). One major requirement for HPC is the availability of ...