The automatic tuning of the parameters of algorithms and automatic selection of algorithms has received a lot of attention recently. One possible approach is the use of machine lea...
We propose a method for reliably and accurately identifying anatomical landmarks in 3D CT volumes based on dense matching of parts-based graphical models. Such a system can be use...
—Advanced packet scheduling schemes in 3G/3G+ mobile networks provide one or more parameters to optimise the trade-off between QoS and resource efficiency. In this paper we stud...
I. Fernandez Diaz, Desislava C. Dimitrova, Kathlee...
— This paper presents topology-based methods to robustly extract, analyze, and track features defined as subsets of isosurfaces. First, we demonstrate how features identified b...
Peer-Timo Bremer, Gunther H. Weber, Valerio Pascuc...
The Correlation Clustering problem, also known as the Cluster Editing problem, seeks to edit a given graph by adding and deleting edges to obtain a collection of disconnected cliq...
Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Pinar Hegg...
Mihalcea [1] discusses self-training and co-training in the context of word sense disambiguation and shows that parameter optimization on individual words was important to obtain g...
Reports of NAND flash device testing in the literature have for the most part been limited to examination of circuit-level parameters on raw flash chips or prototypes, and syste...
We aim at finding a set of timing parameters for which a given timed automaton has a “good” behavior. We present here a novel approach based on the decomposition of the parame...
Achieving high performance on today’s architectures requires careful orchestration of many optimization parameters. In particular, the presence of shared-caches on multicore arch...
We consider the algebra of invariants of binary forms of degree 9 with complex coefficients, find the 92 basic invariants, give an explicit system of parameters and show the exis...