The biggest challenge for RFID technology is to provide benefits without threatening the privacy of consumers. Many solutions have been suggested but almost as many ways have been...
Pervasive Computing environments require new communication and programming paradigms. In this paper we present our experiences from the implementation of MundoCore, a pervasive co...
In pervasive computing environments, mobile devices communicate via wireless links without requiring any fixed infrastructure. These devices must be able to discover and share ser...
In pervasive computing environments, service discovery facilitates users to access network services by automating tedious manual configurations. When network services becomes perv...
EZCab is a proof-of-concept ubiquitous computing application that allows people to book nearby cabs using their cell phones or PDAs equipped with short-range wireless network inte...
In this paper, we present a novel method to adapt the temporal radio maps for indoor location determination by offsetting the variational environmental factors using data mining t...
In this paper, we quantify the energy cost of authentication and key exchange based on public-key cryptography on an 8-bit microcontroller platform. We present a comparison of two...
Arvinderpal Wander, Nils Gura, Hans Eberle, Vipul ...
This paper presents a world model for location-aware and user-aware services in ubiquitous computing environments. It can be dynamically organized like a tree based on geographica...
Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) conveniently complement infrastructure-based networks, allowing mobile nodes to spontaneously form a network and share their services, including br...
The integration of Bluetooth service discovery protocol (SDP), and GPRS internet connectivity into phones provides a simple yet powerful infrastructure for accessing services in n...
Nishkam Ravi, Peter Stern, Niket Desai, Liviu Ifto...