We envision a future in which clouds of microcomputers can be sprayed in an environment to provide, by spontaneously networking with each other, an endlessly range of futuristic a...
Franco Zambonelli, Marie Pierre Gleizes, Marco Mam...
In this paper we describe TinyLime, a novel middleware for wireless sensor networks that departs from the traditional setting where sensor data is collected by a central monitorin...
Carlo Curino, Matteo Giani, Marco Giorgetta, Aless...
The goal of the MavHome project is to develop technologies to Manage Adaptive Versatile environments. In this paper, we present a complete agent architecture for a single inhabita...
G. Michael Youngblood, Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. ...
IEEE 802.11 and Mote devices are today two of the most interesting wireless technologies for ad hoc and sensor networks respectively, and many efforts are currently devoted to und...
Giuseppe Anastasi, Eleonora Borgia, Marco Conti, E...