
14 years 1 months ago
Ubimedia based on readable and writable memory tags
Ubimedia is a concept where media files are embedded in everyday objects and the environment. We propose an approach where the user can read and write these files with his/her pe...
Eija Kaasinen, Marketta Niemelä, Timo Tuomist...
67views more  DARE 2000»
14 years 4 months ago
The rototack: designing a computationally-enhanced craft item
This paper describes our progress in creating a device called a rototack. In its design, the rototack is an example of a computationally-enhanced craft item: a small, robust, inex...
Thomas Wrensch, Glenn Blauvelt, Michael Eisenberg
14 years 4 months ago
Distributed Object-Oriented Programming with RFID Technology
Our everyday environments will soon be pervaded with RFID tags integrated in physical objects. These RFID tags can store a digital representation of the physical object and transmi...
Andoni Lombide Carreton, Kevin Pinte, Wolfgang De ...
156views Image Analysis» more  CIVR 2005»
14 years 8 months ago
Content-Based Object Movie Retrieval by Use of Relevance Feedback
Abstract. Object movie refers to a set of images captured from different perspectives around a 3D object. Object movie is a good representation of a physical object because it can ...
Li-Wei Chan, Cheng-Chieh Chiang, Yi-Ping Hung