

Ubimedia based on readable and writable memory tags

14 years 25 days ago
Ubimedia based on readable and writable memory tags
Ubimedia is a concept where media files are embedded in everyday objects and the environment. We propose an approach where the user can read and write these files with his/her personal mobile phone simply by touching the physical objects. This facilitates easy access and storage of, e.g. video and audio files related to the physical object in question. This paper describes our work in developing a technical solution for ubimedia and studying user acceptance of forthcoming ubimedia services. Our technical development of the ubimedia concept has been focused on a mobile phone platform with a tag reader/writer, memory tags with large storage capacity, and the communication between the phone and the tags. Currently, the technical design is in test and evaluation phase. The preliminary results show that the concept works and it can be implemented technically. In parallel with the technical development, we have studied usage possibilities for ubimedia and user acceptance of future ubimedi...
Eija Kaasinen, Marketta Niemelä, Timo Tuomist
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where MMS
Authors Eija Kaasinen, Marketta Niemelä, Timo Tuomisto, Pasi Välkkynen, Iiro Jantunen, Javier Sierra, Miguel Angel Santiago, Harald Kaaja
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