Increasing focus on multimedia applications has prompted the addition of multimedia extensions to most existing general purpose microprocessors. This added functionality comes pri...
This paper describes the implementation of a purely functional programming language for building software systems. In this language, external tools like compilers and linkers are ...
We present a new limited form of interprocedural analysis called field analysis that can be used by a compiler to reduce the costs of modern language features such as objectorien...
Sanjay Ghemawat, Keith H. Randall, Daniel J. Scale...
This paper presents a static race detection analysis for multithreaded Java programs. Our analysis is based on a formal type system that is capable of capturing many common synchr...
We describe the design and implementation of Dynamo, a software dynamic optimization system that is capable of transparently improving the performance of a native instruction stre...
Vasanth Bala, Evelyn Duesterwald, Sanjeev Banerjia