This paper proposes a new registration algorithm, Covariance Driven Correspondences (CDC), that depends fundamentally on the estimation of uncertainty in point correspondences. Th...
We propose a novel method for tracking an articulated model in a 3D-point cloud. The tracking problem is formulated as the registration of two point sets, one of them parameterise...
The wide availability of GPS sensors is changing the landscape in the applications of structure from motion techniques for localization. In this paper, we study the problem of est...
Rodrigo L. Carceroni, Ankita Kumar, Kostas Daniili...
Thin plate spline (TPS) transformations have been applied to non-rigid shape matching with impressive results. However, existing methods often use a sparse set of point correspond...
We propose a geometric approach to 3-D motion segmentation from point correspondences in three perspective views. We demonstrate that after applying a polynomial embedding to the ...
This paper addresses the general 3-D rigid motion problem, where the point correspondences and the motion parameters between two sets of 3-D points are to be recovered. The existe...
Xiaoguang Wang, Yong-Qing Cheng, Robert T. Collins...