Let m be a positive integer and let G be a graph. We consider the question: can the edge set E(G) of G be expressed as the union of a set M of matchings of G each of which has siz...
The Bermond-Thomassen conjecture states that, for any positive integer r, a digraph of minimum out-degree at least 2r -1 contains at least r vertex-disjoint directed cycles. Thoma...
Abstract. We model a network in which messages spread by a simple directed graph G = (V, E) [1] and a function : V N mapping each v V to a positive integer less than or equal to...
For a given node t in a directed graph G(VG, EG) and a positive integer k we study the problem of computing a set of k new links pointing to t – so called backlinks to t – prod...
Multiplication of two numbers represented in base is shown to be computable by an on-line algorithm when is a negative integer, a positive non-integer real number, or a comp...
For a given graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer k, the super line graph of index k of G is the graph Sk(G) which has for vertices all the k-subsets of E(G), and two vertices S...
Abstract. Let Fq be a finite field with q elements. We produce an (effective) elimination of quantifiers for the structure of the set of polynomials, Fq[t], of one variable, in...