A tournament sequence is an increasing sequence of positive integers (t1, t2, . . .) such that t1 = 1 and ti+1 2ti. A Meeussen sequence is an increasing sequence of positive inte...
A positive list (list of positive integers) is protographic if its merger with all but finitely many positive graphic lists is graphic. Define the family Ps of s-protogaphic lists...
Harvey Friedman introduced natural independence results for the Peano axioms via certain schemes of combinatorial well-foundedness. We consider here parameterized versions of this...
: Let G be a graph with maximum degree d ≥ 3 and ω(G) ≤ d, where ω(G) is the clique number of the graph G. Let p1 and p2 be two positive integers such that d = p1 + p2. In th...
A matrix A is said to be partition regular (PR) over a subset S of the positive integers if whenever S is finitely coloured, there exists a vector x, with all elements in the sam...
We consider computational complexity questions related to parallel knock-out schemes for graphs. In such schemes, in each round, each remaining vertex of a given graph eliminates ...
Let m and b be positive integers and let F be a hypergraph. In an (m, b) Maker-Breaker game F two players, called Maker and Breaker, take turns selecting previously unclaimed vert...
Dan Hefetz, Michael Krivelevich, Milos Stojakovic,...
We prove that Rado's Boundedness Conjecture from Richard Rado's 1933 famous dissertation Studien zur Kombinatorik is true if it is true for homogeneous equations. We the...
The idea of graph compositions, which was introduced by A. Knopfmacher and M. E. Mays, generalizes both ordinary compositions of positive integers and partitions of finite sets. ...