It is easy to deduce from Ramsey's Theorem that, given positive integers a1, a2, . . . , am and a finite colouring of the set N of positive integers, there exists an injectiv...
The sum of a coloring is the sum of the colors assigned to the vertices (assuming that the colors are positive integers). The sum (G) of graph G is the smallest sum that can be ach...
Let D be a set of positive integers. The distance graph generated by D, denoted by G(Z, D), has the set Z of all integers as the vertex Supported in part by the National Science ...
The chromatic capacity cap(G) of a graph G is the largest k for which there exists a k-coloring of the edges of G such that, for every coloring of the vertices of G with the same ...
Let p1, p2,..., pn be a sequence of n pairwise coprime positive integers, and let P = Let 0, 1, ...,m - 1 be a sequence of m different colors. Let A be an n
The eccentricity e(v) of a vertex v in a strongly connected digraph G is the maximum distance from v. The eccentricity sequence of a digraph is the list of eccentricities of its v...
The generalized topological sorting problem takes as input a positive integer k and a directed, acyclic graph with some vertices labeled by positive integers, and the goal is to la...
This paper proves that for every positive integers n and k, we can explicitly construct a graph G with n+O(k) vertices and maximum degree 3, such that even after removing any k ve...
Given a sequence A of numbers and two positive integers and k, we study the problem to find k disjoint segments of A, each has length at least , such that their sum of densities i...