Background: Protein secondary structure prediction method based on probabilistic models such as hidden Markov model (HMM) appeals to many because it provides meaningful informatio...
-Multi-dimensional applications, such as image processing and seismic analysis, usually require the optimized performance obtained from instruction-level parallelism. The critical ...
The results of recent studies on prediction markets are encouraging. Prior experience demonstrates that markets with different incentive schemes predicted uncertain future events ...
Conventional prefetching schemes regard prediction accuracy as important because useless data prefetched by a faulty prediction may pollute the cache. If prefetching requires cons...
Static compilers use profiling to predict run-time program behavior. Generally, this requires multiple input sets to capture wide variations in run-time behavior. This is expensiv...
Hyesoon Kim, M. Aater Suleman, Onur Mutlu, Yale N....
As the issue rate and depth of pipelining of high performance Superscalar processors increase, the importance of an excellent branch predictor becomes more vital to delivering the...
Two-level predictors deliver highly accurate conditional branch prediction, indirect branch target prediction and value prediction. Accurate prediction enables speculative executio...
There is an increasing interest in more accurate prediction of software maintainability in order to better manage and control software maintenance. Recently, TreeNet has been prop...
Interpreters designed for efficiency execute a huge number of indirect branches and can spend more than half of the execution time in indirect branch mispredictions. Branch target...
Abstract. Ensemble learning is a powerful learning approach that combines multiple classifiers to improve prediction accuracy. An important decision while using an ensemble of cla...