Abstract. In recent years, numerous surveys have been conducted to assess attitudes about privacy in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the European Union. Very little infor...
Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) demand a thorough investigation of privacy related issues. On one hand, users of such networks have to be prevented from misuse of their private ...
Context-aware applications can better meet users’ needs when sensing agents installed in the environment automatically provide input relevant to the application. However, this n...
Abstract. RFID tags have very promising applications in many domains (retail, rental, surveillance, medicine to name a few). Unfortunately the use of these tags can have serious im...
When considering information security and privacy issues most of the attention has previously focussed on data protection and the privacy of personally identifiable information (PI...
Abstract. Two methods to implement privacy in network communication, anonymity and DCSC (data confidentiality and secure computation) are analysed and compared in regard to privac...
Privacy is one of the main societal concerns raised by critics of the uncontrolled growth and spread of information technology in developed societies. The purpose of this paper is ...
Quintin Armour, William Elazmeh, Nour El-Kadri, Na...
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology raises significant privacy issues because it enables tracking of items and people possibly without their knowledge or consent. O...
As the Internet becomes increasingly used for sensitive transactions, the need to protect user privacy becomes more and more important. One fundamental aspect of user privacy is t...
Participation in social networking sites has dramatically increased in recent years. Services such as Friendster, Tribe, or the Facebook allow millions of individuals to create on...
Ralph Gross, Alessandro Acquisti, H. John Heinz II...